FlyQ Pilot's Guide

Like in 2D mode, a Map Bar also appears on the left side of the screen. By default, unlike when in 2D mode on an iPad, the Map Bar disappears after a few seconds to save space.

Map Bar

The 3D Map Bar includes most of the same icons as in the 2D view and adds one specific to 3D mode.


The Layers button (stack of papers icon) allows you turn on a HITS (Highway In The Sky) layer (boxes that show your flight plan), the EFIS display, Obstacles, and TAWS (Terrain Awareness / Warning System). TAWS and Obstacles both use colors to indicate threat level where Red indicates terrain or obstacles within 200 ft and yellow indicates a threat within 1,000 ft.

GPS Lock

The GPS Lock button is always engaged in 3D mode and cannot be turned off.


Unique to the 3D view is a button that looks like a spinning top or gyro. It calibrates pitch and roll based on your AHRS feed and is not available if no AHRS is connected. When tapped, your current pitch and roll is considered “zero” so only tap it when in straight and level flight.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 26

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