FlyQ Pilot's Guide

Map centers and zooms the map on that location.

A Procedures icon (piece of paper icon) appears when an airport has IFR procedures. Tap it to jump immediately to viewing the procedures for that airport. If an airport does not have procedures, the Procedures icon is replaced with a General Information icon (letter “I” with a circle around it). Tapping that icon shows general airport information, exactly as tapping in the main area of the row. Note: There are more than 10,000 US airports that are private or heliports that don’t apply to most pilots. Therefore, by default, FlyQ EFB hides private airports and heliports during a search and in the Airports/Nearby tab. This can be changed in the Settings screen, in the Preferences section. Tip : When looking at a list of airports, it’s easy to see which airports have procedures and which do not by looking for those with a Procedure icon rather than the general Information icon.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 47

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