FlyQ Pilot's Guide

Annotate button

You can annotate plates and diagrams by writing on them with your choice of pen colors, widths, and degrees of transparency. This is helpful to note frequencies, ATIS, etc. or draw taxi instructions on the FAA or Seattle Avionics Airport Diagrams.

When Annotate mode is on, the toolbar on the left side is replaced with one that includes drawing tools. Tap the blue Annotate button again to end annotation mode and return to normal viewing mode. They are (top to bottom): Line opacity , Line weight (thickness), Pen mode (the default), Eraser mode , Trash (erase all annotations), and the Annotate button itself. Note: Changing the opacity or weight shows a secondary popup. Once you select the new opacity or weight, you cannot draw again until you tap off the popup to dismiss it.

Another toolbar is also added on the right side with pen colors.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 60

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