FlyQ Pilot's Guide

 FIXED: Gauge bar on/off state not retained between sessions  FIXED: ETE and GS incorrect when adding SIDs and STARs  FIXED: Cannot alter the initial fuel in some ICAO flight plans  FIXED: Crash when reversing some flight plans  FIXED: Crashes and performance issues with the iPad 4  FIXED: Extremely slow Scratchpad performance with the Apple Pencil  FIXED: Stratux version number not properly displayed in ADS-B details (always says v 1.0).  FIXED: Altitude sometimes incorrectly displayed for Stratux users with an AHRS  FIXED: Multiple problems with Avidyne support (heading, altitude, battery and status indicators, send/receive flight plans)  FIXED: New weather data not properly integrated throughout the app in some ADS-B usage scenarios  FIXED: Crash when using ADS-B in rare cases.  FIXED: Surface winds on airport diagram not properly updated in some cases.  FIXED: Preflight checklist sometimes reports downloads needed when they are not. they are

Version 2.4.4

New Features and Improvements

 ADDED: ICAO flight planning for both Leidos (Lockheed Martin) and CSRA DUATS.  ADDED: Nearly 100 new aircraft equipment settings for ICAO compliance.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 8

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