FlyQ Pilot's Guide

File a Flight Plan

Select the ICAO Plan sub tab to view, edit, and file the flight plan.

The ICAO Plan shows the same data entry fields, in the same order, as the standard ICAO flight plan form so the first block is number 7. The fields in white (e.g. Type of Flight , Proposed Departure , Cruising Speed , Route of Flight , etc.) may be edited before submission to the FAA. The other fields may only be edited indirectly by changing the Plane or Type in the Summary section above or creating a new plan. Tap File to submit the plan to your choice of Leidos (Lockheed Martin) Flight Services or DUATS when all the fields are as you like. Leidos (Lockheed Martin) or DUATS will reply with a confirmation if the plan was accepted or an error message if it cannot be filed. The most common reason for failure is that the proposed takeoff is either in the past or less than 30 minutes from the current time. Use the Time field in the Summary section to alter the takeoff time if required. Accepted plans may be printed or emailed.

The selection of Leidos (Lockheed Martin) versus DUATS is part of the profile for each pilot. Pilot profiles are accessed from the Settings page.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 86

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