KSS JulyeKourier 2020



Our long-term employees may remember the Names Mara and Stephen Klemich. Mara Klemich PhD is a consulting Psychologist with degrees in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsy- chology. Stephen Klemich is a long-time Leadership Consultant.

‘ growth and Love, refers to growing others, these are what they refer to as above the line behaviours. Pride (ego driven) which is about self-promoting, and Fear is about self-protection, are below the line behaviours. There premise is that we are all an “and” therefore we can all behave above or below the line depending on the situation and our thinking. Which leads me to Mara’s famous equation that I learnt back in 2003 and remains with me to this day. S + T = B . Situation plus Thinking equals Behaviour… To learn more, I would recommend reading the book. According to Stephen and Mara, culture drives your success. Your people drive your culture. So knowing what drives your people is imperative. According to Stephen and Mara, culture drives your success. Your people drive your culture. So knowing what drives your people is imperative. The Heartstyles Indicator gives you the power to turn the behaviours that define your business into something you can measure, manage and optimise. Stephen and Mara’s book 'Above the Line', is available to borrow from the KSS Library for people interested in learning more. Darren Marshall Chief Operating Officer Why do we invest so much into our culture?

S tephen and Mara Klemich (pictures above) are the co-founders of Heartstyles and creators of the Heartstyles Indicator tool, which measures effective and ineffective thinking and behaviour. They have been working in the corporate world for over 30 years, focusing on individual, team and organisational behaviour and cultural transforma- tion. They both believe that the style of one’s life, character and leadership come from an attitude of the heart and have placed this at the core of people development. They have recently released a book titled 'Above the line' – living and leading with heart. Stephen and Mara introduced the concept of culture to KSS back in 1998. Back then Mara and Stephen were using the OCI and LSI tools from Human Synergistics, the same tools we use to this day to measure our own culture. Stephen and Mara were the driving force behind our own cultural transformation 22 years ago, significantly shaping the culture we all currently work in today. Why am I telling you this?

and Mara in 2003, like many of us who were around back then we all took part in their workshop. The workshop that would change my life. Similar programs run today like our PEP program.

With their deep and extensive knowledge and experience delivering 1,000’s of programs, they decided to develop their own diagnostic tool to measure behaviour and understand why we do the things we do. The Heartstyles Indicator measures 16 behaviours based around four guiding principles. Humility, refers to personal

I had the pleasure of meeting Stephen

10 Kennards Kourier July 2020

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