eKourier April 2015


Training Huddles start in NZ

(L to R) Jayne Kiddell (Napier), Karina gardiner (Wanganui), Hayley Marsh (Palmerston North), Peter Nelson (Wellington), Allan Bevan (Hastings), Duncan Newington (Tauranga), Leon Sathiasothy (Mt Eden), Craig Welch (Three Kings)

I n mid-February we held our first Mangers Leadership Huddle in NZ at Ohariu Farm on the fringe of Wellington city, attended by all the NZ Site Mangers lasting two and half days. With the geographic spread of all the sites, it was a rare moment to have all the Managers in one place. It was a successful event that will benefit the business. The theme of the huddle was based on three main concepts – Opportunity, Challenge and Achievement. Steven Covey uses the phrase – “Sharpen the Saw” and with the assistance of Bill McClean, we are determined to set the stage for improved results in the NZ business. Sessions held over the huddle included creating improved SMART action plans, recognising the need to up skill on more immediate dynamic price setting, thinking about unit conversions more and fine tuning rent increasing practices. We have already seen results in the centres since the Huddle, Managers have taken back their learning to their respective sites. New merchandise ideas have appeared, dynamic price setting participation has increased and unit

conversions have started. The most noticeable improvement we have seen so far is the change in attitude from less talking about doing things and instead more planning things which we are confident will improve the results and performance of the business. The commitment to have all sites at high performance status is indeed strong now. To assist momentum, we have planned for Assistant Managers to attend the same type of Huddle in May. Andrew Kirkham Operations Manager (NZ)

15 Kennards Kourier April 2015

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