eKourier Jan 2011
7 Questions... With Roddy Kennard
Tell us about your work history?
cooking, eating and drinking Olympics. We spend time fishing, boating, hanging out with friends, it is awesome. I also have friends who live in Tuscany and I am welcome there any time, aren’t I lucky!
Tell us about your pets?
I was in catering for most of my adult life. I had a couple of restaurants, the first ‘trendy’ pub food in the Brooklyn Hotel in George St, it rocked, and I worked in several others. Then I got the gig as the Boardroom Chef at Channel 9 - exciting times, I was there 10 years, that was after a 3 year stint as one of Kerry Packers private chefs. I Met some interesting people, there are lots of good stories. Tell us about your history working with Kennards? I have been working at Kennards since September 2002. I got the job completely by accident, I was just filling in, answering the phone for someone going on a conference, she then decided she wanted to share the job and the rest is history. I have seen many changes and improvements over the years through the great support of management. I love working in the CCC, we have a fabulous team and we all work really well together. I am a single mother and have two sons, Sam and Walter. I am very proud of both of them especially for producing my beautiful grand children. Sam has two daughters Lexie and Olivia and Walt has two girls Angel and Sailor and a son Jessi, they are the joys of my life. Tell us about your family?
I am a dog person and have had an animal companion all my life. My current dog is a Cairn Terrier (remember Toto in the Wizard of Oz, he was the most famous Cairn), they are crazy cute little dogs, my dog’s name is Be Bop a Lula, she also gets called Beppi and Be Bop. My last dog was also a Cairn, Spikey, he managed to live very well and comfortably although he was blind for the last 4 years of his life, including going to PEP where he picked up the moniker ‘Wombat’ you can imagine why. Tell us about your involvement with the Film Festival? I have been involved with the Sydney Film Festival for over 10 years as a all year round volunteer, I generally spend one day a week there working mostly in Programming and with the Travelling Film Festival, I love that too I have learned so much. My reward is free tickets to the festival which makes my value at less than 5c an hour !! The festival runs for 12 days in June and I generally go to about 40 films. I have no favourite films but love films from Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Korea, Japan, Russia the list goes on. My other new love is quilting, I have always been interested in stitching, by hand and I am good at it, so I joined a stitching group this year and had a lesson in quilting in July, and I have finished my first quilt in the remarkable time of 4 months. We get together once a week in a different home, mostly in the Inner West. They are a very supportive group, great fun and there are some truly talented women out there. Other hobbies?
TSM’s Go Bowling! Late last year our Team Support Managers went out on a team building exercise and tried their hand at Bowling!
What are your favourite holiday destinations?
As far as holidays go my first choice would be family and friends, My oldest friend lives in NZ and I love going to stay in their ‘bach’ at Orua Bay, it’s like the
Kyle, Emily, Dee, Lynda, Sarah, Peter and Ben
Kennards Kourier January 2011
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