eKourier July 2014
D Behavioural Style “You say your workmate is pushy, rude and totally unreasonable? Well, that’s because of his High D…. Right” There is no doubt that High D’s can sometimes rub certain people the wrong way since they have a tendency to be outspoken, candid and won’t shrink from confrontation. So the statement we so often hear is “Is their high D the reason the person is rude and abrupt?” And the answer is no, absolutely not. “ Understanding DISC and the human behaviour model, will help you to understand how people behave and how they are motivated. ”
If someone is thought to be “rude or abrupt”, it often has to do with their level of emotional intelligence or underlying core motivators. There is a fine line between being assertive (a common hallmark of the D Style) and being rude (a common hallmark of low EQ). Emotional intelligence determines whether you experience the D style as a quick cuddle, or as a tactless sledgehammer. What are the general character- istics of the D Style? The D Behavioural Style tends to be direct and decisive. They would prefer to lead than follow and tend towards leadership and management positions. They tend to have high self-confidence, are risk takers and problem solvers, which enables others to look to them for decisions and direction.
in one direction. They place great value on time frames and seeing results. The D may challenge the status quo and think in a very innovative way. What motivates the D Style? The D is highly motivated by new challenges, setting and achieving goals and seeing tangible results. They appreciate receiving verbal recognition from others as well as rewards. They enjoy power and authority to take risks and make decisions. Freedom from routine and mundane tasks is important. What should one remember to do when working with D Style? When working with a D, be direct, to the point and brief. Focus on tangible points and talk about “what” instead of “how”. Make suggestions for how to achieve the goal instead of talking about why it won’t work. Try to think like a D, be confident and focus on problem solving. The Bright Side of the Dominant style On the positive side, highly Dominant individuals are independently-minded, motivated to succeed and generally very effective at getting the job done. D’s have the ability to see the big-picture. They have a strong action-bias, which makes them well-suited to lead in a crisis. They make great leaders… People with a D style are their most content and productive when given a leader- ship role, which makes sense consid- ering their major strengths are making quick decisions, delegating tasks, creating action plans and seeing the big picture. They are tough-minded, driven, demanding and not afraid of confronta- tion. Best of all, Executives and Managers with a type D personality are unflinching in the face of conflict and are not afraid of dealing with difficult issues head-on.
What does the D Style contribute to a team?
They think about big picture goals and tangible results. They are bottom-line organisers that can lead an entire group People you may know that are a Dominant (D) Behavioural Style
Jerry Seinfeld
George W Bush
Tiger Woods
Lynda Walsh Operations Manager (NSW)
Darren Marshall
Hillary Clinton
Robert De Niro
5 Kennards Kourier July 2014
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