2023 Summer Member-Guest
Event Information
Tournament Rules
U.S.G.A. Rules of Golf shall govern all play, except as modified by Local Rules. The ball shall be played as it lies unless otherwise announced and noted by the tournament committee. An official Tournament Scorecard will be issued to the competitors of each match at the starting hole of each match. This shall serve as the only Scorecard used for recording purposes by the Tournament Committee. The Official Scorecard is to be signed by each team and IMMEDIATELY turned into the Scoring Area. All Matches are required to have one team responsible for the posting of hole by hole scores on the Golf Genius APP Winners and Losers of holes determined by matching the lowest net score per team. Team with the lower net score wins the hole. H ’ caps based off low player. All teams play 5 matches throughout the event against the teams in their own flight. Each match is 9 holes in duration. Each hole won is considered 1 point earned. Should a hole be tied, each team will receive a 1 / 2 point. At the conclusion of the championship, the team that has earned the most points within their flight, is deemed to be the Flight Champion. Should teams in the flight tie for the highest point total in their flight at the conclusion of the event, the point total from the match played between the tied teams will be used. Should that not determine a match winner, the head - to - head match results from highest point total team to lowest point total team will be used. All Flight Champions will participate in a Playoff after all matches have been concluded. The 3 winners of the playoff will proceed to a Championship Shootout to determine the overall win ner of the event.
A handicap reduction will be made to any team whose course handi cap differential is greater than 10 strokes. The higher handicap will be reduced to within 10 shots of the lower.
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