2019 City of Shakopee Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Culture and Recreation 5,171,408 3,847,457 175,837 728,500 (419,614) - (419,614) - Conservation and Natural Resources 169,247 3,683 14,060 162,455 10,951 - 10,951 - Economic Development 3,271,933 311,737 - - (2,960,196) - (2,960,196) - Interest on Long-Term Debt 666,405 - - - (666,405) - (666,405) - Total Governmental Activities 40,253,857 13,613,339 1,881,409 6,527,458 (18,231,651) - (18,231,651) Business-Type Activities Sewer 4,216,061 4,222,236 - 1,704,081 - 1,710,256 1,710,256 - Storm Drainage 1,785,789 1,304,738 - 3,509,802 - 3,028,751 3,028,751 - Refuse 123,513 137,824 - - - 14,311 14,311 -
Governmental Activities General Government 5,372,566 $ 2,738,342 $ 118,038 $ - $ (2,516,186) $ - $ (2,516,186) $ - $ Public Safety 12,921,133 5,386,489 891,431 - (6,643,213) - (6,643,213) - Public Works 12,681,165 1,325,631 682,043 5,636,503 (5,036,988) - (5,036,988) -
Total Business-Type Activities 6,125,363 5,664,798 - 5,213,883 - 4,753,318 4,753,318 - Total Primary Government 46,379,220 $ 19,278,137 $ 1,881,409 $ 11,741,341 $ (18,231,651) 4,753,318 (13,478,333) -
Franchise Taxes 1,305,556 - 1,305,556 - Tax Increments 2,008,657 - 2,008,657 - Unrestricted Investment Earnings 1,464,670 812,204 2,276,874 1,508,404 Gain on Sale of Asset 165,784 82,498 248,282 138,545 Transfers (217,465) 217,465 - -
General Revenues Property Taxes 19,416,202 - 19,416,202 - Lodging Tax 397,272 - 397,272 -
Total General Revenues and Transfers 24,540,676 1,112,167 25,652,843 1,646,949 Change in Net Position 6,309,025 5,865,485 12,174,510 14,597,662 Net Position - Beginning 161,043,354 101,641,557 262,684,911 145,038,940 Net Position - Ending 167,352,379 $ 107,507,042 $ 274,859,421 $ 159,636,602 $
Component Unit - SPUC Electric 44,221,005 $ 50,000,412 $ - $ 759,222 $ - - - 6,538,629 Water 5,577,905 5,067,243 - 6,922,746 - - - 6,412,084
Component Units
Total Component Unit 49,798,910 $ 55,067,655 $ - $ 7,681,968 $ - - - 12,950,713
Business-Type Activities Total
Net (Expense) Revenues
and Changes in Net Position
Governmental Activities
Capital Grants and
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Program Revenues Operating Grants and Contributions
Charges for Services
The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement.
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