2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


ISSUES » » Long commutes driven by regional housing and employment patterns » » River crossing congestion » » Some streets detract from the sense of place » » Disconnection between areas of Shakopee » » Disconnection from the Minnesota River » » Limited opportunities for short trips » » Balancing parking needs with other land uses Downtown » » Unfriendly bicycling environment » » Disconnected trail system

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Shakopee has thrived based on past investments in transportation infrastructure. Industry has benefitted from convenient highway and rail access, while residents of expanded housing options have been drawn by the community’s extensive network of paved multi-use trails and freeway access to regional job centers. As the growing community continues to mature over the coming decades, strategic investments in transportation networks will help residents stay safe and healthy, retain mobility as they age, access employment and civic resources, and maintain a high quality of life. The following issues and opportunities are organized by mode of travel and location, beginning with roadways, followed by neighborhood design, non-motorized issues and travel by transit.

» » Pedestrian and bicycle wayfinding » » Unfriendly walking environment » » Access to parks & schools OPPORTUNITIES » » Travel demand management

» » Automated vehicles » » Streetscape design » » Roadway network opportunities » » Downtown employment » » Develop pedestrian and bicycle master plans » » Improve roadway crossings » » Fill in trail gaps » » Connect trail network to key destinations » » Fill sidewalk gaps » » Revise sidewalk maintenance policy » » Capitalize on Scott West Regional Trail investment » » Collect pedestrian/bicycle data » » Safe Routes to School » » Develop a Complete Streets policy » » Enhance and advance transit use by building upon existing facilities and Shakopee’s Emerging Market Area 2 zone.


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