2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


WASTE WATER In conformance with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Thrive 2040 regional plan, the Sanitary Sewer Master Plan for the City of Shakopee has been updated in accordance with MCES guidelines, the full document can be found in the appendix of this Plan.. The document serves both as an inventory of the existing sanitary sewer system and as a guide to extending future sanitary sewer improvements into developing areas of the community. The city owns and operates the sanitary sewer collection system, which consists of main trunk sewer lines and smaller local lines. Collected wastewater is conveyed to the Metropolitan Council’s Blue Lake Treatment Plant, located in Shakopee, along Hwy 101, where it is treated and discharged. The existing sewer system consists of 39 miles of trunk gravity sewer (pipes 10 inches or larger in diameter), 99 miles of lateral gravity sewer, three lift stations (two active), and three miles of force main (pressurized) sewer. In areas of the City that do not have municipal sewer, there are 714 individual septic systems according to Scott County records. Scott County is responsible for the oversight and administration of individual septic systems in the city. MCES has 10 miles of interceptor sewers in Shakopee, ranging in size from 36 inches to 72 inches. In addition to serving Shakopee, the interceptor sewers also serve the cities of Chaska and Prior Lake. The interceptors convey wastewater to the Blue Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), located in Shakopee. In addition, there is one privately operated wastewater treatment facility operated by Rahr Malting which discharges treated effluent from its industrial process to the Minnesota River. The City has one existing connection to another community’s sewer collection system. This connection is found in the Whisper Oaks neighborhood in the southeast corner of the city and connected to the City of Savage’s system. This use began in 2003 when a joint powers agreement was executed between the two communities. In 2018 this agreement was dissolved with Shakopee’s completion of an extension of gravity sewer to the Whispering Oaks neighborhood.

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An analysis of the existing trunk sewer system, which includes gravity sewers 10 inches in diameter and larger and the lift station and forcemain inherited from MCES, indicates the system has adequate capacity to safely and efficiently convey existing wastewater flows to the MCES interceptors with a few isolated exceptions. These expectations are small spots of pipes between manholes where pipe slopes are less than minimum design standards. For these locations, it is recommended that more frequent monitoring and cleaning of the affected sewer take place. For sanitary sewer purposes; Shakopee, Jackson Township and Louisville Township have been separated into sewer districts based on geographic location, which will be found on the following page in Figure 3.53. Below, find a description of each district.

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WLJ - West Louisville Jackson SWL - South West Louisville WJ - West Jackson NWS - North West Jackson WS - West Shakopee NS - North Shakopee NCS - North Central Shakopee NES - North East Shakopee ES - East Shakopee SES - South East Shakopee SS - South Shakopee CS - Central Shakopee JS - Jackson Shakopee SLJ - South Louisville Jackson


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