2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee



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Shakopee has had a long history with aggregate resource extraction, which even today continues on wthin city limits and within the nearby townships of Jackson and Louisville. This history has led the city to defining policies and plans to address this extraction and any land use conflicts which could be present with mining and urbanized land uses. The single site within the municipal boundaries of Shakopee is the site located at the intersection of Canterbury Road and County Road 16. This site is in the process of back filling previously mined land and is the subject of a Conditional Use Permit which is required to be reapproved annually at which future development of the site is discussed and actively planned for. Sites within Jackson Township have historically been administered by Scott County and this situation is not forseen to change before the sites are filled and ready for redevelopment. Additionally, sites further south in Louisville Township are also administered by Scott County and are displayed on figure 4.9 for reference only and are not intended to be displayed as under municipal administration. Municpal policies in place to minimize land use conflicts are the aforementioned CUP process in addition, City policy dictates any land used for aggregate resource extration be covered by the Mining Overlay Zone which contains specfic requirements a resource extraction operation is required to follow including required setbacks from adjacent urbanized uses. A copy of the most recently approved CUP for the existing mining site will be included within the appendix of this Plan as item B.4.

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