2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


The Governance section of Envision Shakopee guides growth and development policies, goals and strategies in three general areas: » » City Administration » » Communication and Engagement, and » » Finance Through the development of the community priorities as part of the Envision Shakopee planning process, residents have been excited about this new approach to planning for the city’s future but have also expressed concerned the city will not stick to its plan as leadership changes over time. It is critical that planning and public investments be strategic, connected to a long-term plan and in-line with the community’s values. Residents have also expressed a desire for more consistent and transparent communications from city government, especially on the city’s website. For example, more details about proposed development projects and better information about events and festivals. There is a desire for improved communication and collaboration between the city, its neighboring jurisdictions and other government agencies. As Shakopee considers its opportunities for investment, growth and improvements, people also want to know that city leaders are strategically considering short-term and long-term financial impacts. Acting as stewards of the public’s resources, the city should balance the needs of current and future generations while maintaining the overall fiscal health of the city.

EnvisionShakopee is strategic and forward-thinking, whilebuilding on thecommunity’s values today. ThePlanaffirms transparency between thecityandour residents withsystemsof communication that promoteongoing conversations andcollaboration; foster consistent processes for decision-making, establishing expectations andachievingdesired outcomes.


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