2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


IMPLEMENTATION Envision Shakopee provides a long-range vision for the community, while also serving as a guide for how the community can turn that vision into reality over time. The plan establishes high-level community priorities, a broad set of recommended goals, strategies and tactics to address those priorities, and some big ideas to inspire the community to action. Some recommendations in the plan may be relatively easy to accomplish in a short period of time, but implementing the plan and its many recommendations will not happen all at once, and most objectives will likely be reached incrementally. Indeed, many recommendations and envisioned opportunities are highly aspirational, and will require the community to prioritize what it wants to achieve, how quickly it wants to do so, and how it wants to allocate resources toward the goal. Implementation of priority initiatives will require concentrated efforts among a variety of interested parties, from city government and elected officials, to private entities, community organizations, and other government agencies over the course of many years. This plan is a starting point for those activities, which might include additional studies and more focused planning initiatives, the creation of new task forces or implementation partnerships, fund raising and capital programming, and many other targeted efforts. Shakopee has experienced a great deal of change over the past few decades, which has brought with it challenges related to growth and understandable concerns about the community’s identity and what the future holds. This plan is designed to guide Shakopee toward harnessing change and maximizing opportunities for all of our residents and stakeholders. With strategic investments and partnerships, thoughtful policy development, on-going community engagement and deliberate decision-making, Shakopee can position itself as a community of choice in the years to come.

Envision Shakopee will be implemented through a variety of tools including: » » Projects that improve public infrastructure and facilities, including roads, sewers, parks, trails, sidewalk, utilities, and public facilities such as City Hall, fire stations and the community center, » » Policies as rules and regulations that govern the community, » » Plans that provide detailed strategic study of an area or issue, » » Programs , initiatives or other offerings which may include events, support or education, » » Practices or ways of doing work, and » » Public Education and Engagement which involves working with the community to build awareness of an issue, provide education, and engage in finding solutions.


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