2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee

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Running Header Place Holder Running Header Place Holder 2 1 3 4 6 7 8 5 Urban Residential Zone (R-1B) Old Shakopee Residential Zone (R-1C) Multiple-Family Residential Zone (R-3) Running Header Place Holder Running Header Place Holder Running Header Place Holder Running Header Place Holder Medium-Density Residential Zone (R-2) Planned Residential District (PRD)

Provide an area for residential development where public sanitary sewer and water are available. Provide an area for the continuation of existing residential development and development of existing lots in the older residential areas where public sanitary sewer and water are available. The combination of small lots is encouraged. Provide an area which will allow 5.01 to 8 residential dwellings per acre and also provide a transitional zone between. Provide areas for the mixed-use development; including single- family detached, medium-density, and high-density residential, as well as compatible community commercial and service uses. By allowing mixed-use development, the PRD provides a mechanism for providing a range of housing types and easy accessibility to services either within a single development or area of the city. Provide an area which will allow 8.01 to 12 multiple-family dwelling units per acre, and also provide a transitional zone between single- family residential areas, medium- density residential areas, and other land uses.

Neighborhood Commercial (N-C)

Provide areas for the development of low-intensity, service-oriented uses for the surrounding immediate residential areas. Immediate

residential areas are understood to be those that are generally within five-minutes walking distance of a neighborhood commercial area. Highway Business Zone (B-1) Provide an area for business uses fronting on or with immediate access to arterial and collector streets. Community Commercial (CC) Provide areas that allow the concentration of general

commercial development for the convenience of city residents and the greater city trade area, space for larger community facilities and institutions that may be appropriately located in commercial areas, and provide adequate space to meet the parking, loading and traffic management needs of larger scale commercial development. Provide an area for offices and related service uses, in an area where general retail is excluded. The Zone is intended for areas identified in the comprehensive plan for office use or for transitional areas between residential and more intense uses.

Office Business Zone (B-2)




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