2040 Comprehensive Plan: Envision Shakopee


PLAN ELEMENTS As we look to the future of Shakopee, we must keep its community at the center of every decision. It is the community’s values—those aligned, competing, and compromising—that shape this plan. Community members’ desires, priorities, passions and values chart the path forward for a future Shakopee that is filled with vibrancy and opportunity in each of three elements: » » Housing & Neighborhoods All of the analysis, ideas, goals and strategies of Envision Shakopee are targeted to promote a city where every member of the community can thrive. The direction, priorities and recommendations of the plan were shaped by robust community engagement—incorporating hundreds of conversations, comments, ideas and challenges contributed by community members across the year-long process. While the entire plan addresses the needs and challenges of supporting our community, the Community Environment section discusses goals and strategies for a thriving community where everyone has an opportunity to find a home that is just right for them, to benefit from a high—and increasing—quality of life, and to enjoy unique, high-quality places in Shakopee. » » Quality of Life » » Sense of Place

EnvisionShakopeeprovides tools tohelpour community identity remainstrong, celebrating the rich historyandcultural traditionsof thecommunity. ThePlan includes strategies for stitching together neighborhoods throughphysical connections suchas streets, trails andparks, social connections suchas events andcelebrations, housingoptions that areattainable for theaverage familyanda strongeconomywithdiverse employment options.


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