Envision Shakopee

Implement site plan review process for projects which because of their nature, operation and/or location require a more thorough review to ensure community standards are met Establish targets for minimum number of employees per acre in commercial and industrial districts to maintain and grow a healthy jobs-focused economy and efficient use of land

» Reduce or eliminate parking minimum requirements and/ or add parking maximums for certain types of uses or developments, especially mixed use developments » Monitor the impacts of ride-hailing, autonomous vehicles and transit service improvements on parking needs » Require property owners to plant trees, incorporate surface water management best practices and use other design tools to improve health, safety and design of parking lots Modify the planned unit development (PUD) ordinance to achieve desired development outcomes » Emphasize mixed use, walkable development » Limit residential PUDs to areas adjacent to commercial development and transit service 1E Institute annual review of the zoning ordinance and related sections of the city code » Review code annually and update as needed to reflect new or revised planning studies, new or revised state or federal laws, experience in the field, experiences working with planning applications, technological and/or cultural advances, new use categories and/or updates for areas that have become obsolete




Simplify development review process to be customer-oriented, to reduce unnecessary regulatory barriers and with a streamlined process



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