Envision Shakopee

between neighborhoods and from neighborhoods to regional job concentrations and local centers. It also provides supplementary connections between major traffic generators within regional job concentrations. Direct land access should primarily be to development concentrations. Connectors typically serve short trips of one to four miles. Collectors connect primarily to minor arterials, other collectors, and local streets. » Local Roads Local roads connect blocks and land parcels, and the primary emphasis is on land access. In most cases, local roads connect to other local roads and collectors. In some cases, they connect to minor arterials. Local roads serve short trips at low speeds. In downtown Shakopee, local roads are spaced as close as 300 feet, while in the rural areas, one-mile spacing is more common. ROADWAY JURISDICTIONS The city does not have legal authority over all roadways within the city. Various transportation bodies control the Shakopee roadway network. MNDOT controls U.S. Highway 169 while Scott County controls Highway 101 and many of the multi-lane thoroughfares. The city’s primary responsibility is the maintenance of local and collector streets, through all land uses. Jackson and Louisville townships also maintain local streets in their jurisdictions. In addition to governmental transportation departments and agencies, there are also some roads owned and maintained on private property, including the SMSC Community. These “private roadways” are often not built to city standards regarding lane dimensions and setback. Any changes to the right-of-way will require cooperation and collaboration between the various transportation agencies.

Roadway Classes

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» Principal Arterials The emphasis of principal arterials is on moving large volumes of traffic over long distances rather than providing direct access to land. They connect the region with other areas in the state. Principal arterials also connect regional concentrations and freight terminals within the metropolitan area. Principal arterials are designed to support the longest trips in the region, including intercity bus, express bus, and highway bus rapid transit services. » Minor Arterials The minor arterial system supplements the principal arterial system and provides connections to it. Minor arterials also support access to major traffic generators, including regional job concentrations and freight terminals, and between rural centers within and just outside the region. Minor arterials are designed to serve medium-to-short trips, including serving transit. Minor arterials are further split into smaller categories, of which all, but A-Minor Augmentors, are located within the city. A-Minor Reliever: Provide supplementary capacity for congested, parallel principal arterials. A-Minor Expander: Supplement the principal arterial system in less densely developed or redeveloping areas. A-Minor Connector: Provide safe, direct connections between rural centers and to principal arterials in rural areas without adding continuous general purpose capacity. B-Minor: Arterial roadways which have less importance to regional travel, but still warrant the arterial classification. » Collectors Mobility and land access are equally important on the collector road system. The collector system provides connections

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