Envision Shakopee


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The roadway networks in Shakopee can be divided in to five distinct types: Downtown, Traditional Neighborhood Street Grid, Grid and Curvilinear with Cul-de-Sacs, Low Density Curvilinear Streets with Cul-de-Sacs, and Rural Road Grid. Considering these network types and the context in which they exist can help us to understand how the transportation system in Shakopee is serving its users. DOWNTOWN Downtown Shakopee’s street grid is mostly intact with square blocks approximately 380 feet by 380 feet. The primary barrier to pedestrian and bicycle circulation in this area is 1st Avenue (CSAH 101), which is two lanes in each direction as well as a center turn lane. Streets in Downtown are generally two-lane and low speed. The land use is predominantly commercial and residential with two or three- story buildings and some surface parking lots. There are sidewalks on both sides of most streets and commercial building frontages are generally adjacent to the sidewalk. Highway 101 and the railroad are barriers for all transit modes, funneling travelers to a limited number of crossings in some areas. In the mid-1990s, Highway 101 was widened and re-routed to the north of the Downtown business district, breaking up the historic street grid and introducing a barrier to the nearby riverfront for pedestrians and bicyclists. Most intersections downtown are stop-controlled and building entrances are mostly accessible from the sidewalk. Pedestrian volumes tend to be higher here than in other parts of the city due to the concentration of services within short walking distances.



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