Envision Shakopee

2040TRANSPORTATIONPOLICY PLAN (TPP) (2015) The TPP is updated by the Metropolitan Council every 4 years. The plan includes the functional classification for all roads in Shakopee, as well as information about proposed roadway widening and reconstruction projects in the next 20 years. In the current TPP adopted in 2015, US-169 is programmed for an additional southbound lane between 2015 and 2018, and is also identified for MnPASS lanes as a third-tier priority (dependent upon increased revenue over current levels). As previously discussed, the TPP indicates that Shakopee is in Emerging Transis Market II, Transit Market Areas III, IV and V, suggesting that the most successful transit service is commuter oriented and that local fixed-route bus service may be challenging to implement in areas of Shakopee. The plan also includes the Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN). The goal of the RBTN is to establish an integrated seamless network of on-street bikeways and off-road trails to improve bicycle transportation at the regional level. The plan includes north/south Tier 2 alignment along the proposed Scott West Regional Trail, as well as along Canterbury Road. An east/west search corridor between the Scott West Regional Trail and the US Hwy 169/Hwy 101 interchange suggests a need for east-west bicycle connectivity. The RTBN have been identified on the non-motorized transportation network map seen previously. 2030COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (2009) Shakopee’s previous comprehensive plan identified several large transportation investments within Shakopee, including capacity improvements along US Hwy 169 between Canterbury Road and CSAH 21 (completed), an interchange at CSAH 69 (completed) and at US 41 (in design as of 2018). The plan also lists smaller, anticipated capital improvements. Based on available crash data, the plan states that intersections in Shakopee are safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. However, people typically will avoid walking along a roadway that feels unsafe. The plan suggests a reactive approach to pedestrian safety and

recommends several improvements to be made if any intersections “become problematic.” FUTURE TH-41MINNESOTARIVER CROSSING (2010) The Minnesota Department of Transportation underwent a scoping and EIS process to select the alignment of a new crossing of the Minnesota River on TH-41. The preferred alternative that was selected, C-2, will not be built for several decades, but will connect to US-169 at the planned US-169/ TH-41 interchange. FOCUS AREA STUDIES A number of recent area-specific transportation studies have also been completed or are currently in process at the time of drafting this plan. These provide detailed and targeted guidance for future roadway and traffic improvements in emerging growth areas and redevelopment focus areas. These include: » 2018 Canterbury Commons Areawide Transportation Study » AUAR for West End area including all of Jackson Township (in progress) » Update to the west end traffic study/EAW


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