Spring 2023 Hometown Messenger

CONSTRUCTION CORNER Stay up-to-date on City of Shakopee construction projects

As the weather improves and the ground begins to thaw, it’s time again for road con struction season The City of Shakopee repairs city streets annually on a schedule deter mined by the five-year Capital Improvement Plan Annual road projects range from full-depth pavement reconstruction, which typically includes underground utility repairs and updates to curbs and gutters, to pavement rehabilitation, which includes crack sealing and spot patching The majority of these projects are funded by the Capital Improvements Fund, with the exception of trail reconstruction, which is funded by the Park Asset Internal Service Fund The sole project that is partially funded by assessments of adjacent property own ers is the Full-Depth Pavement Reconstruction Project The 2023 projects include: FULL-DEPTH PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION

How Can I Help You? Meet John Sullivan, who works as an Economic Development Coordinator in the Planning Department Q: What do you do for the city? A: I am the Economic Development Coordinator I work on business development, recruitment, expansion and marketing to attract businesses to Shakopee and assist existing ones that want to expand I currently assist with the management of the River City Centre and staff the Shakopee Entrepreneur Group with the goal of developing “The Hub,” a new 30,000 sq ft Innovation Center for startups and entrepreneurs Q: How long have you worked for the city? A: I started in September of 2022 Q: What do you enjoy about working for the city? A: I enjoy the staff, the energy and fun we have working together There is a lot of positivity and good development occurring all over Shakopee, and I’m proud to be a part of it Q: What’s the best part of your job? A: All the new projects and investments coming to Shakopee! It’s really exciting!

TRAIL REHABILITATION The bituminous trail along Fuller Street from 10th Avenue to Vierling Drive will be reconstructed This project will include improvements to pedestrian ramps to com ply with the ADA transition plan adopted by City Council in 2018 This project includes rehabilitation of the bituminous asphalt surface of River side Drive, Grove Circle, McGuire Circle and Court, Old Carriage Court, Stratford Circle, a portion of Southbridge Parkway, Valley View Road and the Countryside neighborhood Work will include milling the pavement surface, crack sealing, full depth spot repair and patching, spot curb and gutter repair, spot sidewalk repair, upgrading sidewalk and trail pedestrian curb ramp facilities, and a bituminous asphalt pavement overlay BITUMINOUS MILL AND OVERLAY

Bituminous roadway will be reconstructed for Atwood Street from Fifth to Sixth Ave nue; Valley Fair Drive; Park Drive; a por tion of Dominion Avenue; and the Maple Trail Estates neighborhood This project includes minor utility work, updates to comply with ADA requirements, and curb and gutter repairs

PAVEMENT REHABILITATION This project will rehabilitate the bitumi nous roadways for the Providence Pointe and Westchester neighborhoods, along with Fourth Avenue from Naumkeag Street to Marschall Road Work includes crack sealing and repair, minor concrete repairs, partial and full-depth spot patching and pavement repairs, utility repairs, and a chip seal coat of the bituminous surface


Is your recycling bin bursting at the seams? If you have excess cardboard that needs recycling, drop it off at the cardboard recycling dumpsters on the Shakopee city campus, 500 Gorman St , across the street from City Hall Cardboard only Please break down your boxes to ensure enough room for all users.

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