Summer 2021 Hometown Messenger

PUBLIC WORKS City seeks funding to accelerate Marystown Road improvements Traffic volumes, safety concerns emphasize need for improvements in west Shakopee 69

SMSC launches free compost program for residents NEWS & NOTES

Scott County residents can enroll in a new, free program allowing them to drop off food waste for composting at the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community’s Organics Recycling Facility. The program is supported by a $25,000 grant provided by Scott County. To participate, Scott County residents can sign up at or at the tribe’s recycling facility,1905 Mystic Lake Drive S. Participants will then receive a welcome kit, including a compost bucket and instructions. They can drop off their food waste at a special drop-off station at the SMSC Organics Recycling Facility during regular business hours. Compostable materials include food scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells and egg cartons, napkins and paper towels, and cups and bags with labels showing they are BPI-certified compostable. These materials will then be turned into nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer for gardening, farming, landscaping and more. Learn more about the new compost program at .

As the city’s West End continues to grow, the City of Shakopee is looking at ways to improve traffic safety and pedestrian access in the Marystown Road Corridor. The city is seeking $7.4 million in state and federal transportation funding toward improvements throughout the corridor, which runs from Vierling Drive to 17th Avenue. In 2020, the city partnered with Scott County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation to complete a corridor study that evaluated existing and future transportation conditions. Based on the study, the current traffic control is not expected to accommodate the area’s planned development by 2025. In addition, safety concerns and accidents are on the rise in the high-speed corridor, which transitions from a rural 55-miles-per-hour roadway to an urban roadway over Highway 169. The interchange is especially dangerous for pedestrians who must use the road shoulder to cross the interchange bridge. Based on existing and proposed traffic levels, the study evaluated each of the four intersections along the corridor to consider different control options. The recommended vision includes four roundabouts with pedestrian trails on each side of the roadway. Roundabouts would provide enough space on the existing interchange bridge to reconfigure the road and add trails on both sides. While roundabouts are more expensive transportation issues within the corridor to ensure the safety of both vehicles and pedestrians." Steve Lillehaug City Engineer/Public Works Director "It is imperative that we proactively address these






to construct, they eliminate the need for standalone pedestrian bridges, saving approximately $3 million per bridge. The improvements would also eliminate a north-south trail gap between Tahpah Park and the new neighborhoods south of Highway 169. As the city waits to secure funding assistance, the city, county and state continue to monitor and evaluate the corridor’s current traffic controls with the possibility of making interim adjustments. If you have more questions about the Marystown Road Corridor improvements, contact City Engineer/Public Works Director Steve Lillehaug at slillehaug@ShakopeeMN. gov. 78 The Marystown Road Corridor runs from Vierling Drive to 17th Avenue. The recommended proposal includes four roundabouts with pedestrian trails (blue dashed line) on each side of the roadway. 15

Free wood chips available for Shakopee residents The city has extra wood chips available to Shakopee residents. A self-serve bin is located in front of the 500 Gorman St. building near the south gate. There is no charge for the wood chips, but residents are responsible for hand loading, so bring your own shovel. Please follow all posted directions.

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