Winter 2021-22 Hometown Messenger

A blueprint for the future What is a strategic plan, and what does it mean for the City of Shakopee?

Much like mapping out a road trip or creating a blueprint for a new home, the City of Shakopee utilizes many tools to make sure the city continues to move forward in a thoughtful and consistent manner. While some of these tools are required of us by other governmental entities, others are entirely optional and only completed when a city invests the time and energy to complete them, like a Strategic Plan. Shakopee most recently underwent a strategic planning process in 2019, with final adoption by the City Council in February 2020. The strategic plan consists of a set of four strategic priorities, which are the highest priority issues for the city; a series of key outcome indicators, which reflect desired outcomes; and a set of performance targets, which define the success of certain projects or initiatives. At initial planning meetings, the city reviewed the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, identified the major challenges facing the city and adopted the four strategic priorities of the plan. Shakopee’s adopted priorities are: Financial Stability, Enhanced Community Strengths, Effective Public Services and Communication.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Financial Stability • Develop long-term financial plan • Develop a grant decision-making process • Improve 5-year CIP prioritization process • Explore methodologies for cap turing tourism revenue Enhanced Community Strengths • Evaluate economic development policies regarding higher wage jobs • Refine business promotion and attraction process • Improve culture and tourism marketing • Explore collaborative partner ships • Develop service level standards • Create comprehensive perfor mance management program Communication • Develop strategies to reach underserved populations • Pursue branding and image ef forts consistent with vision Effective Public Services • Develop a 15-year CIP • Conduct a staffing study


Meet City Clerk Lori Hensen, who works in the Administration Department for the city.

Q: How long have you worked for the city? A: I have worked for the City of Shakopee for 21 years. Q: What do you like about working for the City of Shakopee? A: It has given me a lot of opportunities to grow as a person and in my abilities while building new relationships with co-workers and citizens living in the community. Q: What's the best part of your job? A: I like being able to help people. Helping someone with whatever they need, whether answering business licensing questions, educating others about the election process or directing them to the proper person to receive the information they request. It's the best part of my job to help others.

Those priorities are proudly displayed in many places, including the top of each City Council agenda, to ensure they are taken into account any time decisions are made. Each year, the City Council revisits the priorities, outcome indicators and performance targets to measure the progress made toward each priority. To view the plan in its entirety and learn more about the various aspects of it, visit

NEWS & NOTES Get involved

New employees join staff Several new employees have recently joined the City of Shakopee organization: • Kristen Friendshuh, Fitness Coordinator • Amanda McKnight, Communications Manager • Mason Moore, Recreation Coordinator • Grant Quasabart, Police Officer • Yesenia Soto, Police Officer • Hannah Ward, Aquatics Specialist

The city has three active boards and commissions that advise and assist the City Council in setting policy: Park and Recreation Advisory Board, Planning Commission/Board of Adjustments & Appeals and the Police Civil Service Commission. The City Council also appoints members to the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission (SPUC), which oversees the operation of the publicly owned water and electric utilities. Interested community members can apply online during the month of January at

Winter 2022 3

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