Organic Insights Magazine - Spring 2023

Organic Insights / Spring 2023 / 23



On behalf of The Central Hills Regen Ag Network, Kate Parker, Education and Training Co-ordinator at NASAA Organic, Application of Organic Inputs workshop, which was held at one of the group members’ properties “Tarramar” in Mount Torrens on Saturday 13th May. Approximately 30 people attended the workshop to hear Nic Kentish explain the facilitated a Practical

The group was fortunate to have two NCO Certified input manufacturers attend the workshop and provide valuable information on the use of inputs and composting. Lelanie van der Merwe fromOmnia Specialities outlined some of their range of input products that are available to enhance soil and plant health, together with other various products that can assist in complimenting soil health. Peter Wadewitz from Peats Soil spoke to the group on the benefits of composting and provided helpful advice on what to ask organic suppliers to ensure the quality and certification of soil amendments. Peter also gave the group insight into the exciting projects that Peats Soil have been working on, including new products that will benefit landowners across the country. The event timing ensured the group had the opportunity to ask the two experts questions about their own property soil health and to seek advice on what products would benefit their soils. It was a great morning and all participants left with a sample bag of SOS Liquid Kelp and Stock aid sea biscuits kindly donated by Australian Kelp Products.

function of soil microbes and how soil biology can be improved by using organic inputs and view a demonstration on best practices when using a boom spray.

Top: Nic Kentish addresses a rural workshop

Above L to R: Nic Kentish, Lelanie vanDer Merwe and PeteWadewitz


NASAA Organic was honoured to sponsor and support this integral two-day forum held in Darwin in May, which had the highest caliber of speakers. Over 514 delegates attended the Northern Australia Food Futures Conference from the top end and around the country. One of the reoccurring themes included addressing the complexities of carbon accounting, how to work this into environmental accounting, and the financial and social benefits of getting business strategies right—a very thought-

provoking presentation by Professor Richard Eckard, who walked the delegation through planning beyond 2030. A fantastic forum to attend in keeping up to date with technology and farming practices in Agriculture. The interaction from the producers in the audience provided valuable insight into their farming challenges in the northern end and how they are becoming more active in changing their mindset and looking to nature for answers.

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