TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

Barbara Korun

me to distinguish between layers of individual and social reality, to trace the immense seeming

interconnectedness of causes and effects. All of my systems of justice have fallen apart. My language has broken down.

I am rebuilding it, patiently, carefully,

page by page, page by page. Even without a language I can keep my sense.

The scar in the language is serving me, testifying vigilantly. As I am writing, it is whispering to me the opposite, destructive nonsenses, unbridled plays of words and fates, all kinds of impossibilities; with a wild, unstoppable power it is tearing the truth from my hands and returning it the same, but altered: with a shadow, immeasurable and quivering, the one that gives things their form, the one that gives deeds their meaning. Translated by Barbara Jurša


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