TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

Barbara Korun

most dangerous enemies that we disinfected passageways after them warned the local residents through the radio they shouldn’t let out their pets lest they contract horrendous diseases tuberculosis, cholera, scabies, lice „I won’t start cleaning the tent while these devils are in there!“ shouted the elderly woman employed at the camp through community work „I won’t have anything to do with them, let them go back to where they came from!“ she screamed amid the night

amid the quietest night at the camp when she woke up from the sleep of the just how can I say this how can I describe the first scene when I arrived to the Beti factory before dawn

in the fields silence fog but in the distance the light from searchlights helicopters the whine of sirens police cars army and its trucks special forces armed to the teeth, their faces covered in black caps, helmets and bulletproof vests, and machine guns handguns


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