TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

7 Stones

we return to U BÁBELSTEIN_Ů. THE STONE COLLECTOR is standing apart from THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE, THE LANDLADY and THE MAID, intoxicated by it all, opening and closing his fists.

THE STONE COLLECTOR the next one, show me the next one, the next, the next and the next one ...

THE LANDLADY and THE MAID show him the options. stones of different colours and shapes light up in boxes and on shelfs all over the stage. we get a sense of the magnitude of the collector’s obsession.

THE LANDLADY / THE MAID the next and the next and the next ...

THE STONE COLLECTOR’S WIFE the charm of a man obsessed is boundless – at first ...

THE STONE COLLECTOR runs from one illuminated stone to the other, unable to make up his mind.


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