TE15 Lithuanian Honey Cake

About the Authors

TE15-05 IRENA VEISAITĖ Irena: Life Should Be Clear (memoir)

Irena Veisaitė  (born in Kaunas, Lithuania, 1928) is a Lithuanian intellectual and Holocaust survivor. She has a Ph.D. from Leningrad, on the poetry of Heinrich Heine. from Among many honors, she received the Goethe Medal in 2012 for her work in German-Lithuanian cultural exchange. She is president of the Open Society Institute of Lithuania. Our excerpt in this issue represents the premier of her memoirs in English language. Irena Veisaitė’s interviewer, Aurimas Švedas is associate professor at Vilnius University. He is a doctor of humanities, and also works with The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania.

TE15-06 GYTIS NORVILAS eight poems

Gytis Norvilas (born in Jonava, Lithuania, 1976) is a poet and translatorwhostudiedHistoryandCulture inVilniusUniversity. He currently lives in Vilnius, where he is editor of the weekly cultural periodical “Literatūra ir menas” (Literature and art).


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