TE17 Mysterious Montenegro

The Dreamed Part

What do you want a sheep for (or was it a lamb)?

Draw me a bed!

A bed inwhich—puny yet princely—to sleep thinking that what’s essential is invisible to closed eyes. And that nothing matters to you less than that they draw you a lamb.

What could you want a lamb for?

What you need is for them to take away all those thousands of unconscious pieces of meat covered inwool to the slaughterhouse so you never have to count them again.

What you need is a bed that sleeps across its entire surface and that dreams deeply.

What you need is a bed in which to fall asleep counting beds.

† And so, from the depths of millennia (like in those increasingly erect graphics showing the evolution of the sleeper) beginning with the straight and horizontal line where somebody collapses with sleepiness. Anywhere at all and the ground is hard. And next a stack of straw and palm fronds beside a wall where painted buffalo graze (imagine primitive peoples falling asleep and looking up at that the way now, during childhood, children fall asleep looking up at the childish figures on the wallpapered walls). And moving on to the hides of animals killed while they slept. To Moses’s basket floating on the water. To the stiff beds of the Egyptian pharaohs lying in profile (a copy close at hand of The Book of the Dead : that instruction manual for getting back to 203

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