TE19 Iberian Adventure
Gonçalo M. Taveres
Prime Minister of New Zealand yesterday suggested a four-day work week and the U.S.A. will fly flags at half-mast for three days.
Everything is half.
March, April and May seem to have only the middle days.
Nothing is starting, nothing is finishing.
No matter their age. Everybody is in the middle of their lives in May 2020.
“Manystudentsarebeing leftbehind,”warnedAndreasSchleicher, Director of Education at a European institution.
A student who is left behind like somebody who’s left by a truck and has to go the rest of the way on foot.
Wait for me, they shout – but the truck keeps moving.
I remember a Russian film. Somebody gets out of a truck in the middle of the ice to defecate. I saw it at the movie theatre.
The truck pulls away and he’s embarrassed to go after them with his trousers down.
He is embarrassed and he hesitates a few moments.
And the truck moves on and he is left there in the cold with no humans around.
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