TE21 Serbian Moments

Marija Kneževic

Breathing Technique

she has room to put off an excess of significance.

She has already arrived everywhere.

She’s not a metaphor. The river is a river. Words will never hurt her.

A diver when it’s necessary and an example of inflowing. A wellspring rightly placed.

She looks to her own business — straight into the sky. Hasn’t wasted time since she arose she’s been doing the hardest of all jobs: she moves herself.

Always deeper than the dilemma: are we observing her or is she observing us.

(. . .)

And tends toward the sea.

The river knows that her longings is in herself. She yearns for the sea. The sea has no idea about it.

Attractive to the poor and sad because she’s simple. Her pageantry is in the experience that isn’t visible. Close as a touch and simultaneously who knows where. 34


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