TE23 Double Feature

The Lamentations of Zeno (novel excerpt) Ilija Trojanow translated from German by Philip Boehm



54°16´8˝ S, 36°30´5˝ W

A day when clouds look like mountains and mountains like clouds. Alpine peaks spring up in the middle of the ocean, a tear in the sloping cloudbank exposes rocky cliffs and glaciers looming over patches of pasture, where reindeer introduced by homesick Norwegians chomp away at the vegetation. Trees have never set down their roots. The water inside the pot cove is rich in oxygen and krill and takes on a greenish tint. Here Creation appears with unfamiliar clarity, as though all cataracts have been removed and our collective vision was suddenly unclouded. We put into 15

[Hear Ilija Trojanow discuss his novel, The Lamentations of Zeno , on the February 21, 2022 episode of Eco-Lit on Trafika Europe Radio, right here .]

Ilija Trojanow 14

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