Trafika Europe 1 - Northern Idyll

a matter of pride or a banal wish not to get tied down, just the fact that he was too much Action Man, too much “Avanti!”, and the girls were like birds he changed in his pursuit of something that was nothing to do with them. That was not in the slightest to belittle them, so girls were often part of his life, he was not picky, and glad to have someone. At that time I had just disentangled myself from my librarian and felt a wild surge of energy, which made me chase after three or four girls at the same time, lightheartedly, with no strings, I was a fast-flowing stream – while talking to one, I would be in the arms of another, not quite sure which was my type, which one to choose and, quite apart from women, I was interested in art and religion, went back to martial arts, opened a business, constantly on the go, forging ahead, growing my strength. I came back from training sessions on shaky legs. My mom did not see the winner standing in front of her, but girls did. Alik was a shooter. We met eight years ago, in 2003. I was a know-nothing cub reporter on local television, running errands for my own inexperience, Alik had just come back with his latest trophy or medal from competing in St Petersburg, and I had to do a piece on him for the news program.


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