Trafika Europe 11 - Swiss Delights

Matteo Terzaghi


Someone pointed out to me that the photograph of the roofless library taken after the London blitz of 1940 was taken by surveyors commissioned to document the extent of the damage. The three men, then, must be inspectors, not the regular readers I’d always assumed they were. Be that as it may, the fact remains that the books were left virtually intact on the shelves and the man on the right looks a lot like James Joyce, or maybe even is him.


There was a well-known book of science experiments for kids with a chapter titled “Every Eye Has a Blind Spot.” It opened with a horizontal black rectangle framing two illustrations: one looked like a faraway full moon; the other was the head of a little girl. Like the moon, the girl’s head seemed to float in the night sky, and even though she was beheaded—or rather disembodied— she looked happy, and beamed a mischievous smile.


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