Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons

SŞeyma Koç

beating of my heart. Those years of her life… It would never be enough. The feeling she awakens in me… That feeling, it is so intense!

She is still far away. She gently puts her hands together in front of her… Are they cold? Right now, I would willingly give away five years of my life just to take those hands to my lips and warm them with my breath. There isn’t much left to do anyway. That is my only wish from God. If he makes my wish come true, I won’t sit up till morning in coffee houses. I won’t drink… That is, not that much…. I’ll drink less. And gambling? Never again! When it comes to women…. They don’t come to me anymore, they are gone. It ’s been quite a while since I left all that behind… That is, I was going to be a good person. I’m not that bad anyway. I mean no harm. I’m good. So why bargain with God? I’m already good, God must know this. I haven’t given him any reason not to make my wish come true. She moves nearer. Grabbing the shovel on the ground, I start lifting the soil again. With every move, I feel a burst of energy. I am in ecstasy. A feeling of satisfaction surges inside me! There, it ’s done!


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