Trafika Europe 12 - French Bon-Bons
King Gordogan
LUNA (CONT’D): My miraculous cheese will make you invisible. ( an incantation ): Rivulet. Amulet. Alouette. GORDOGAN: Invisible? That wouldn’t be bad at all, by my blood. ROYAL EAR CLIPPER: No, not bad, by my blade. SOUND ((R18)) : BLADES HITTING ONE ANOTHER ROYAL EYE GOUGER: Not bad at all, by my pincers. SOUND ((R15 again)) : SNIPPING PINCERS LUNA: Yes. You’ll be invisible, and you’ll be able to take all your subjects’ gold without their ever knowing you were there. GORDOGAN: Ha ha, and they’ll be amazed when their coffers are empty and the knives come at them from out of no- where. TSAFF ! TSAFF ! TSAFF ! Hahaha. LUNA: And these gentlemen, too, can become invisible if your Majesty desires it.
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