Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet


But Pyotr Naumovich kept driving his point home: “We must pray (his “we” didn’t escape my attention, and I again thought that perhaps he really was a “secret Jew”?) Pray! That they do not lack resolve. The Jews must go to war every decade, so that they grow a pair of balls. Although, they don’t really have a choice. There are periods in history when it is no longer the people, but the gods who enter into а dispute...” We didn’t get to the trade of books this time; the general, having read me a lecture оn the significance of the bible to world culture, promised to obtain for me a “normal” book (“this one, you have to read with a magnifying glass”). There was no sense in contradicting him: I had an interest now in developing contacts. Lena, having said goodbye, went off to her room. The general accompanied me to the door, but, having already grasped its handle, unexpectedly continued the conversation: “So, I am curious to know, Naum; do you have a desire to create history? When we were young, this was the most important thing to us, but today’s youth... somehow seeks to ‘disappear into private life’. Or am I not right?” “Well,” I say, “it was a different time then; even if you wanted to, you couldn’t hide. And, anyway, history doesn’t ask for our opinion.” “Oh boy, oh boy... Isn’t history the product of the actions of people?”


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