Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

Aleksandr Kushner

I am mistaken to say that poems take Precedence over biography, that what remains Is the word and not the poet’s image. The example of Orpheus shakes my conviction. Fate dealt with him sternly, and his transgression Is more precious than if two or three lines Of his could be got up for show By mama’s boy or daddy’s little girl. Not one camedown tous‒they didn’t have to! Stalactites Hang there like tears, anguish, the cold... So then, to stick in our minds, in our hearts, On leaving hell, be sure to look back. Fall, Having dropped your dueling pistol into the snow. Or shoot yourself, leaving the chorus to carry on. But poems... that’s a separate conversation, A professional one, and disinterested. What fortitude is needed for Venice and what ardor for Naples! But wait, didn’t Shelley dreamof Italy, and Keats set out early to sail? Yes, but when was that! Not for nothing does this world put up Somanywalls, chain-linkedmountains, somanybarriers,borders...


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