Trafika Europe 13 - Russian Ballet

A Light in the Night

– It’s a fine heaven, – intoned Afanasiy, knocking over a gazebo with a lazy kick. – I was afraid it was you that created it. – But it’s just some old ruin, you run into them occasionally. Some oaf goes and spends all his money on it and then languishes. – I also made something, – said Ilya Ilych, brandishing his stick. – That’s fine, that’s nothing. Cost you what, one lumie, I bet? – A coin, you mean? – Right, a lumie. The little one. They look like they are made of ‘luminum, so we call them lumies. – Well, so yes, a lumie it was. But when I asked for some clothes, nothing happened. – Clothes are pricier… But don’t you worry, I’ll teach you everything you need to know, since I spotted you and all. Only… I run around here, searching, looking for all you lost ones, spending my time and energy… you understand, don’t you? – How much? – inquired Ilya Ilych perceptively. – There are no firm prices, – replied Afanasiy honestly. – Everyone decides for themselves. Some get so desperate mucking around in the nihil they are ready to hand over their entire stash. But all in all, ten mnemons would be all right. I mean, think about it, if I rip you off now, you won’t even look my way afterwards.


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