Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

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mercy, oh Lord, before the half told psalm, the proverb of the prodigies of faith: the amens, to fifty-one and more, come numbered at intervals, a slow hosanna lilt among the spasms, with prudent dark sarcasm in turn responds the priest mercy, oh Lord, may all depart in peace and yawn and breathe and put like fugitives unsteady shortest feet on open fields of straw and take whatever other course and swarm back running crabs at the tide-gate in the water gap and mercy at last, oh Lord, as they all come ashore and stagger in the swirl of wind behind the black cap’s ear hole where all the turns of air hiss and tongues get stubbed against some woody mush of leaves – the fingertips stand in morning-white all heads throb, all hands bleed


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