Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

Günther Kaip


It ’s unusual for people in this part of the country not to expect the worst. That ’s a foreign thing here. Still, they ask anyone happening to pass through why this is so, pen letters to the competent institutions—but every answer proves unsatisfactory, if they ever get replies, that is. Luckily people in these parts have a hearty constitution, which fully aligns with the sky when it ’s askew, as it straightens out again, when it covers with cloud formations, and when the wind wipes them away in one full blow; they watch out for the swelling of bird songs, their ebbing out, for the temperature of skin, their own as well as that of others, for the positions of the sun, the scattering of light, the flow of shadows as well as their sound; and if these events fail to occur for some time or change conspicuously, they say it ’s just as well; but it ’s also fine with them if things are different, because they can feel the world behind the world.


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