Trafika Europe 14 - Italian Piazza

TE14-10 GÜNTHER KAIP Eleven Miniatures (short pieces)

Günther Kaip (born in Linz, 1960) moved to Vienna in 1980 where he writes full time. He has published poetry, short stories, novels, children’s books, word picture, and sound objects in anthologies, literary journals and magazines. Kaip also works for Austrian National Radio ORF and NDR. He has been awarded several prizes and scholarships for his works which have been translated into English, Russian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish. He is amember of GAV, Austria’s largest writers’ association. His Miniatures treat of a wide swath of life, framing and observing much of what we do and are with economy, wit and style. Translated from German by Matthias Goldmann.



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