Trafika Europe 3 - Latvian Sojourn

with old Jeannie Lawson, apostolic missionary, she opened The Inn of Sixth Happiness, a haven for random journeymen, cats, tramps, and converts.

She entertained fireside guests with the Gospels in Chinese

as if recounting sumptuous folk tales. A hundred times in danger every day, she yet found time to water flowers, confronting prison conditions and attending birds simultaneously. Adopting – rescuing – hundreds of oprhans, she made it out over the mountains. For her great deeds the Chinese named her 艾偉德 – Virtuous, Honorable. Half a century on, in Hollywood’s gilded teapot, Ingrid Bergman, she of heart shaped lips and overly silky shoes portrayed this short, untidy Gladys, as leading the bound and tortured Chinese into Heaven.


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