Trafika Europe 6 - Arabesque

Tales of the Orontes River Translated by Alice Guthrie blood brothers

S o where did your dad take you today? Round to Dr Mukhtar’s? –Yeah . . . but I’m not sure about that doctor, he seemed a bit weird to me! –Why? –He told Dad there was nothing wrong with me – he was like ‘He’s just malingering. Get him married, that’ll cure him.’ –Oh sweetie, he was only joking! Dr Mukhtar’s probably thecleverestblokeinthewhole city – and the funniest. He’s a total joker, he’s been cracking people up all his life. Back in the day I remember your cousin had really bad piles,

and eventually someone or other must’ve recommended to your auntie that she treat them with coffee. Well, she really went for it: she was constantly stuffing coffee up that boy’s back passage, honestly – practically every five minutes! But it certainly didn’t work, I mean he was really afflicted, poor lad, he was in a miserable state. So eventually I went with her to take him over to Dr Mukhtar’s place. –So what did he say? I bet he just told them to get him married! –Well, no – he got your cousin to lie on his front, and


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