Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer


My remark seemed to surprise him. He looks at me bizarrely, behind his glasses. I don’t knowwhy, but I imagine that I take off his glasses and he suddenly becomes fragile, that his eyes finally show something besides seriousness and business. Suddenly, I am no longer listening to what he says. I think he noticed because his tone becomes even more severe: - What I believe I must say to you is that henceforth, it is a matter of days, not weeks. - And today? He seems dumbstruck so I try again: - Today, how is she doing?

up all the way, just below his Adam’s apple. He tells me to follow him to his office. What luck! We have never been able to see him. When he goes into mom’s room, he seems so busy that we don’t dare to pain him by asking questions. He motions to a chair where I sit down and I tell myself that he has an awful look. He always has an awful look but this one, it’s worse. This being is lifeless, slavish, very large, always slightly hunched over like he is too tall, with a shifty gaze. - Mr. Solaro, I should tell you that the news is not good. I look at him and, as is usual every time I look at him, I am surprised to see nothing in his eyes.

He starts again: - Not good at all.

- It has been a while since we have heard good news, you know that.


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