Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer


Rédoine. Did you not feel a strong desire for revenge on that day? A desire that may not have been logical but in any case understandable? Did I desire revenge? I don’t believe so, either way I don’t remember. And definitely not at my mom’s funeral, that’s what I tell her, not that day, I truly had other things in my heart that day. - Yet, a few days later, you go back to the parking lot where you know that Rédoine hangs out, and you return therewith your friend Ange with whom violence is well known, who boxes, kickboxing, and was armed, is that correct? I repeat that I didn’t know he was armed, that I went back to the parking lot for professional reasons and that Ange came with me simply because he was in my car and I was late, and

same posed voice: - On that day, you had stitches on the arch of your eyebrow and youwere having difficulty walking due to the wound to your knee that Rédoine and his gang caused a few days prior, is that correct? I nodded yes but this didn’t seem to satisfy her, maybe because she didn’t see it. She asks me again: - That is correct, is it not? I respond that yes, I in fact was in pain when I put pressure on my foot but on that day, I had other things to think about. She starts again: - Yes, I understand. We understand, of course. But even though, you actually were seriously beaten. We imagine you at your mother’s funeral, suffering like everyone else would be in the same situation, but also suffering physically because of the wounds inflicted by


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