Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer


a guy like this? Currently,heisspeakingabout me, he says that I am a good person. Always ready to do a favor, to help out his friends. Someone whom others can count on, a positive person, enthusiastic even. In that instant, one of the jurors, a rather young man with a boring appearance, who makes me think of a banker, looks at me funnily; as if he’d just noticed something or hadn’t understood one of the words my lawyer just said. He speaks more about my mom’s illness, of her death, and the way I “took things into my own hands”. This expression bothers me. He speaks about my courage and that bothers me even more. Often, when people speak of courage, they are particularly stupid, that’s a reflection I have already made. I want him to shut up. I don’t want to make eye contact with the

up to speak and goes to the stand. He doesn’t always do this. Sometimes he gets up and speaks from where he is standing. When he sets to walking, like now, we wait for something decisive. As a result, we are disappointed. I don’t understand why he is so insistent on Rédoine’s past. Everyone knows that he was no choirboy. Dealer, gang leader, condemned for violent acts, armed robbery, accused of crimes and not charged due to lack of evidence. I have the feeling that the time he spends returning to Rédoine weakens his plea. I see his lifemarching by while he goes on and on: his law school, his exams, his lawyer friends, his dinners… I don’t know why but I imagine him in his pajamas. Where does this image come to me from? In the evening in his bed, pajamas buttoned all the way up. What woman would want


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