Trafika Europe 7 - Ukrainian Prayer


difficult, happy either. Finally, it is an everyday life that is established, with its highs and its lows… - We understand… But it would be possible to interpret this walk that you have described as airy and cheerful as revealing a form of insensibility… What do you think? From where I am, I can’t see the doctor’s face, that’s probably intentional. To me, he seems larger and more hunched over than ever, with his shoulders in the shape of a circumflex. - That is not at all what I wish to say, the doctor cut in with authority. My lengthy experience as a doctor permits me to affirm that it is impossible to establish a correlation between an interior state and its exterior manifestation. I am simply saying that he had a particular

better understand this man. “It is not by commenting on the step of the man in a hospital corridor that you will understand him better,” shoots my lawyer and I’m not sure if he is right. Seated beside the young woman in the red glasses is another juror, older, and whose face intrigues me. She fixes on me yet I don’t see her eyes. You could say she is constantly chewing something, looking at her cheeks. I think of a grasshopper. Yes, that’s it, that absence of expression, those muscles under her cheeks like legs searching to unfold—a grasshopper. The judge apologizes to the doctor and urges him to continue. - You know, during a long hospitalization like that of Mr. Solaro’s mother, moments are not always so


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